The gallery is proud to have sold the following chefs d'oeuvre
Ancestor female figure, Taninbar
Anthropomorphic Dan spoon, Ivory Coast
Banda statue, Mobaye region, D.R.C.
Bulul, Ifugao statue, Northern Luzon Island, Philippines
Coastal Sepik Ancestor Statue, Papua New Guinea
Dan mask, Ivory Coast
Gouro/Bete mask, Ivory Coast
Kota Janus, reliquary figure, Gabon
Kuku rain statue, Esatern Bari, speaking people of the region of Kajo Keji
Lega Statue, ivory, D.R.C.
Low Niger Bronze bell head, Nigeria
Middle Sepik Sawos group hook
Ngbaka Mask, R.D.C.
Northern Torres Straight mask, Oceania
Reliquary Ntumu figure, Fang, Gabon
Seated Baule couple, Ivory Coast
Yaka headrest, D.R.C.
Yoruba cup holder, Nigeria